
FAQS: Koha Acquisitions

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1. Does Koha have the ability to batch change line items in orders, invoices, and other groupings?

Not from within the basket (order).  Only individual line items in baskets (orders) and invoices can be changed for price, fund used, notes, etc.  Default number of copies, discounts, tax rate, etc. can be applied to all line items through the attached vendor.

2. Does Koha have the ability to batch change line items in orders, invoices, and other groupings?

Not from within the basket (order).  Only individual line items in baskets (orders) and invoices can be changed for price, fund used, notes, etc.  Default number of copies, discounts, tax rate, etc. can be applied to all line items through the attached vendor.

3. Does Koha have the ability to change fiscal year for outstanding EDI orders?

No?  When you close out a fiscal year, you are presented with an option to move or rollover unreceived orders to the next fiscal year.

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