
FAQS: Koha Cataloging

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1. How does the biblio level item type (942$c) facilitate title level holds in Koha?

Holds use circ rule to determine whether a title is available for holds. Circ rules may include a wild card (*) to apply circ rule to "all branches," "all patron categories," "all item types," etc. While this works well for traditional circulation, it does not work for holds processing. An item is not attached to a title-level hold in Koha until the hold is filled. Koha uses the biblio level item type to insure that limitations on the number of holds a single patron is allowed based on item type are handled properly if other attributes of the hold include a wild card.

2. Why do I need to add an Item Type to the 942$c in a Koha bib record?

1. The 942$c is a required field in most Koha MARC Frameworks. 2. The search filter for Item Type in the OPAC and staff interface look at both the item type in the item record and the biblio item type in the 942$c. 3. The bibilo level item type is used by Koha to properly process title-level holds. 4. The biblio level item type can be useful when creating reports.

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