
FAQS: Evergreen - Course Materials

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1. Can course terms, users, and materials be loaded with a script or do they always need to be created manually?

Course terms, users, and materials can be loaded with a script or series of scripts.

2. Could Evergreen's Course Materials module be used instead of lists in the OPAC by a public library that wants to create reading lists?

Yes, this would be a great and creative use of Course Materials in a public library.

3. If courses are turned on in the public catalog for displays, how can results be scoped by org?

Each course has an owning library.  For displays, the owning library should be set at the highest associated org level.  The search scope must include the owning library of materials included in the list of course materials.

4. In Evergreen's Course Materials module, can terms be unlimited or never-ending, such as for a book club or accelerated reading list?

Yes, you can create a term without an end.

5. In Evergreen's Course Materials module, when you archive a course, do the circulation modifiers, shelving locations, etc. for the items on reserve revert back to their original values, or do we need to change them manually?

Those fields revert back to their original values when a course is archived or when an item is removed from a course.

6. When you are adding items initially to a course, do you have to re-select the new circulation modifier, item status, etc. every time you add more items to the course?

No. As long as you are on the Course Materials page, the selected parameters are sticky.  Once you leave the page and return to add more items, you will have to re-select.

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