
FAQS: Evergreen - Staff Catalog

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1. Can we print the call number from the basket in the staff interface in Evergreen 3.6?

No.  Call numbers cannot be printed from the basket in the staff interface in 3.6.  This issue has been documented by the community at https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1833565.

2. I thought I saw a way to view the new angular catalog in 3.4. Is that possible?

The Library Setting to enable it is “GUI: Enable Experimental Angular Staff Catalog”

3. In Evergreen 3.6's Staff Catalog search, are saved Recent Searches tied to the individual user login, or are they tied to the Evergreen browser?

Recent Searches are tied to the browser and workstation; searches are cleared when you click “Clear Searches” or when you log out.

4. In Evergreen 3.6's Staff Catalog Search, does "Recent Search" retain search scope or just search terms?

Only the search term is saved with recent searches; the scope of the search is not; the current scope displayed will be applied to the saved search.

5. In Evergreen 3.6's Staff Catalog search, is the “Exclude Electronic Resources" option “sticky” if checked under Catalog Preferences?

Currently, the checkbox disappears once a search is completed; the filter itself is sticky for subsequent searches, so catalogers have to return to preferences to change the setting as needed. Reported to the community in Launchpad - see bug #1908727
(as of 3/5/21)

6. In Evergreen 3.6's Staff Catalog Search, where are Catalog Preferences saved - on the server or the registered workstation?

Catalog Preferences are tied to the registered workstation.

7. In Evergreen 3.6, can the Catalog Preferences in the Staff Catalog search be changed by whomever is using the workstation, without needing to have administrator status?

Yes, additional permissions are not required.

8. In Evergreen 3.6, in the Staff Catalog Search, are Search Templates saved per user or per workstation?

Search Templates are tied to the registered workstation.

9. Is there a maximum number of search results per page when searching the Staff Catalog in Evergreen 3.6?

No; however, larger numbers will cause slower response time for returning results.

10. Is there a way to set a default for sorting preferences in Evergreen's staff catalog search?

No.  Relevance is the default sort for results in a search of the staff catalog.  There is a sort drop-down that can be used to change the way results are sorted.

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