
FAQS: Evergreen Circulation

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1. Can a Hold Group be shared across multiple libraries within a library system?

Yes. A Hold Group can work as a shared bucket even though it is owned by a specific library. As with other buckets, you will need to share the Hold Group bucket number so other staff can retrieve it.

2. Can patrons place "Call number" holds from the OPAC?

No. This is still a staff-only option. Patrons can only place title level holds or holds on monograph parts

3. Can you delete archived messages from the Messages tab on the patron record?

No - there is currently no function for deleting archived messages from the Message tab in Evergreen.

4. If a patron returns an item that was previously marked lost, will the system automatically remove any bills assessed to the patron for the lost item?

It can, depending on your library settings.  If the setting for "Void lost item billing when returned" is set to TRUE, the bill for the cost of the lost item is removed from the patron's account.  If you charge a processing fee for lost items, there is a companion setting called "Void processing fee on lost item return."  Set it to TRUE and the processing fee is also removed.  Set it to FALSE and the processing fee will remain on the patron's record.

There are additional settings that control whether to reinstate prior overdue or generate new ones on returned lost items.

5. Is the list of "Pending Patrons" searchable?

No, but you can use the home library drop-down to focus on individual branches within your system, and you can sort the columns by any of the column headers to make it easier to find the patron's information.

6. Is the new terminology of “Call Number Hold” the same as “Volume Hold” from earlier versions of Evergreen?

Yes. The functionality is the same. The terminology is being updated to be consistent across modules. Similarly, the new term “Item Hold” is the same as the previous “Copy Hold”.

7. When a hold can't be successfully placed, is there a specific message provided to inform staff why it was unsuccessful?

It depends on the reason for not allowing the hold. Various error messages may appear as they relate to patron status or circulation policies. The first trigger prohibiting the hold will return the message.  Additional research of the patron and title may be required. There is a title link on the holds screen to assist with navigating for research.

8. Will patron records include a list of items or number of items that a patron has claimed returned or never checked out?

Evergreen displays a count of items marked lost, claimed returned, or claimed never checked out.  It is visible from the Patron Summary.  Claimed returned and Lost items are listed in the Special Circulations sections of the Items Out tab on the patron record.

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