
FAQS: Evergreen - Curbside Service

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1. Are appointments automatically cancelled if the patron doesn't show to pick up their items?

No.  Cancelling appointments is a manual process.  Cancelling a pick-up appointment does not cancel the corresponding hold.

2. We'd really like appointments in the To Be Staged screen to appear earlier. Can the time interval be customized?

Not currently.  The Curbside Pickup feature is hard-coded to display items needed for the next 2 pickup time intervals

3. Will Curbside Pickup override checkout limits? For example, if patrons are limited to checking out a total of 10 items, and the item they are picking up would make 11, will Curbside prevent the checkout?

It actually depends on which staff member is checking out the items.  If the staff member circulating the item has override permissions that include overriding circulation limits, Curbside will automatically override the limit.

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